Research projects

Pushing research forward

From bench to bedside

Innovation & Business Development

Transfering knowledge to society

The future of health is in our hands.

Support IDIBELL’s research.

national competitive projects granted in 2023 worth

17.098.891,53 €

international competitive projects granted in 2023 worth

2.427.295,42 €


& Business development

IDIBELL facilitates and promotes the transfer of the knowledge generated by its researchers through clinical trials, patents, codevelopment agreements or the creation of spin-off companies. Since 2020, priorities included adding more value to the portfolio and designing new strategies for internationalization to become more competitive worldwide.

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Innovation competitive projects

7 national projects
(worth 2.246.080,5 €)

200 new clinical trials

4 internal promoter
196  external promoter

138 active patents

belonging to 32 families (and 3 software registrations)

310 projects in portfolio

Including m-health & medical devices, technologies, drug discovery & personalised medicine

66 R+D contracts

52 national
14 international